
I really liked this island and there are quite a few photos here so some are in galleries and some direct into the blog.

Lighthouses – throughout the islands these are available to stay in and one of the well known ones is on Lastovo called Struga at the head of a great bay called Skriven Luka.

The harbour is very shallow here, there are lots of buoys where it is deeper but you can anchor inside them.

The park staff here charged us but also gave us a map. a guidebook for the island and a small cookbook. Also the fee was reasonable – only 200kn for anchoring the night.

We thought we had heaps of chain out but for whatever reason we dragged in the morning and so left shortly after with the wind and sailed around to the next port that we had heard about and wanted to visit because it looked interesting.


Sailed down to here for a change as 20kts and everyone was keen for a sail. Wasn’t sure what the cove would be like as guide said not good in NE winds and we had NW. Was some slop in the harbour but we were up the most sheltered end. Small enclosed inlet with 5 restaurants and numerous buoys to anchor on.

Stopped at a restaurant called Augusta which had been recommended to us by some other NZ yachties. Very interesting owner – calls himself an “entrepreneur” and the park staff “commies”( they take money and give nothing). He runs 4 restaurants and a construction company and was building more room onto his frontage when we were there. Very welcoming and informative. Good showers and toilets, power and water. Beautiful food in the restaurant and good wines – one very nice Rose from France.

SW Entrance
NW entry – shallow
Eleuthera on Augusta dock
Crayfish in cage on wharf

Lastovo Old Town

Beautiful old town in the middle of Lastovo and not visible from the sea. Had a long history as home of pirates. Famous for the chimneys in the town. There is also the old Rector’s house for sale, a church and a very old house in the town that has been restored. The town also has the second clearest sky in Europe. I have included most of the photos in the gallery below.

The walk up to the top of the hill gives a great view back towards Zaploatica and the port.


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We also enjoyed a dinner at a local farm. It was very tidy and interesting how the outdoor fireplace was build – 2 sides only. Also the pruning of the olive trees.

Hew and Simon studying the design

Mali Lago

The next day we set off for the northern harbour – Mali Lago -which was very beautiful and we cruised right up to Pasadur.

We then went back to the north western bay which was a great anchorage.

From there I swam around the corner to Mali Maslovnjak. The start of this bay is surrounded by islands and rocks and seems to collect all the rubbish for the area. It was disgusting to see how much was on the seafloor and on the narrow peninsula. Also the amount of suspended plastic in the water – not just the big bits but the small. The first few photos are of the animals in amongst this mess. The park booklet says it all. They only have 500 people on this island so all the rubbish is blamed on visiting boats and the rubbish washing around the mediterranean in general.

Sea snail - Giant Tun ( Tonna galea)

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Mali Lago

The next day it was off to Vis.

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