Images tagged "centuri"

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  1. Virginia says:

    Just found your blog and it looks great. I’ll be inspired to catch up with mine now….
    As you know boats and planes (and relationships) all need lots of maintenance!

    • admin says:

      Hi, We decided to create one as an easy way to keep up with people rather than sending dozens of emails and I had always wanted to find out how to do one properly. Also Hew thought it was a great way to let people know some of the good contacts we have found here so others do not need to take as long to find out the same information. Glad it has inspired you – I will look forward to reading yours. Cheers Barb

  2. Sue says:

    Sounds like you are maximising he land based time! Where to next?

    • admin says:

      Seems so. The question of where to when we get afloat is currently up in the air as the previous owner had an issue with his cruising permit which we are still trying to sort out. If we cant get it sorted through the land channels (coast guard departments) we will need to leave Italy and then return which will probably mean a trip to Malta and with clearing customs both ways and a quick look around will probably take about 5 days.If we can get the paperwork sorted then we are probably going up the East Coast of Sicily and through to Sardinia and meeting friends mid July in Oblia. How is life with you guys? You are invited when ever you would like to come. We will be up here for several winters so no rush.

  3. Alex Wright says:

    Hi Barb & Hew,

    Your journal makes for great reading – thanks for sharing the notes – there are lots of moments when we embark on these adventures in life. Maybe a book is in the works – remember Peter Mayle’s ‘A Year in Provence’ which relayed all the happenings of his trying to fix up & live in a small village house in the south of France. He sold over 7 million copies & easily reimbursed himself for all the house repairs as well as living costs he incurred + won a Legion of Honour medal from the French Government for writing so well about French culture!

    • admin says:

      Hi Craig, It has taken quite some time for me to sort out this blog. I think I ned to get this right first! It is an interesting thought as now being a retiree I am always on the look out for small contributions to the living fund, especially when it has to pay for boat and plane maintenance:):). Perhaps you should take the hint yourself and write of the trials and tribulations of job hunting round the world. Its never too late to start as they say!!!!

    • admin says:

      Interesting though but I seem to have enough trouble just keeping up with the blog. Income sounds good though!!

  4. Alex Wright says:

    Hi Barb,
    Living around the world sure has had it’s interesting moments – you are right – but I think your sailing adventure taps into people’s dreams a bit better! Lots of blog notes & lots of time to decide.
    Enjoy your adventure – once you get under sail – and champagne at sunset – well earned – congratulations!!
    Chimo, Craig & Kiwi

  5. Carole Beggs says:

    Hi Barb. Loving reading your Blog. Am wondering if you know Murray and Lyn McPhail. My partner John’s business partners and another kiwi couple sailing around for 4-5 months each summer in Med. they are on a 50ft Swedish built boat. Can’t recall name sorry. I think they wintered the boat in Greece. Would be a needle in a haystack if you can across them but you never know. Keep up the blog. Excellent reading and great inspiration for years to come.

    • admin says:

      Thanks Carole, it is good to hear that people are enjoying it and it is one way to not forget all the things that happen. Someone else asked if I knew the McPails and I have meet them but not sure where. I already know one couple sailing in Greece and last year when we were on another boat I met 3 different lots of kiwis so it is a small world. If you do manage to find out the boat name drop me a line as we might run across them somewhere. We intend to be in Greece next year and they may still be sailing around the area. Hope all is well with you and your family.

    • admin says:

      Will keep looking for these guys but now in Caribbean and seem to be finding many more people from NZ.

  6. Alex Wright says:

    Looks good so far & you are getting time to relax & nestle into the countryside together – have fun & get into the local scene – it is a good life!

  7. Ruth T says:

    Great to hear all the news on the update. The software must be altering the photos as all appear out of focus. Shame really as you have been in some beautiful spots. Seems like the weather is amazing and the scenery incredible. Sail on me Hearties

    • admin says:

      Thanks for that note I will have a look today as good speed here. May have something to do with the upload speed in other places.

      • admin says:

        I have found the problem and will fix it when have high speed internet again hopefully i a couple of days whe we reach Elba

      • admin says:

        Hi I have now upgraded the images – hope they are better.

  8. Jocelyn says:

    Great following you Barb and Huw
    It all sounds a great adventure
    What is left of original yacht. So much fixing replacing. But it all looks great now
    Sophie very excited. Have fun Enjoy. X Jocelyn

    • admin says:

      Hi Jocelyn, Trying to keep up with the blog but we seem to get so busy with visitors. Sophie left this morning and it was great having her, and she will be back around the 6th September. I hope all is going well in Auckland will be good to catch up when I get home. I apologise for not replying earlier but the internet has been very in and out lately. All the best

    • admin says:

      Thanks just found this message

  9. Jocelyn says:

    Great following you Barb and Huw
    It all sounds a great adventure
    What is left of original yacht. So much fixing replacing. But it all looks great now
    Sophie very excited. Have fun Enjoy. X Jocelyn

  10. Rosemary Harris says:

    Love your travelogue Barb – your descriptions of life on board make it very easy to imagine the ups and downs! Have a fabulous time.

  11. Ruth says:

    Great to see the pics

  12. Eric Henry says:

    Hi. Very interesting story. Great pics. Make sure the “boys” put on plenty of sun-screen – I spent a day at Skin Institute yesterday!

    • admin says:

      Hope your trip was not too serious. We have been hammering the sun screen bit and have heaps on board so no excuses!!

  13. Gavin Fernandez says:

    Sounds like you needed an old ex-avionics engineer on board

    • admin says:

      Absolutely – if you guys are heading up here anytime let me know and come and stay. I saw the photos of your house and it looks great – are you really settled in now?

  14. Eric Henry says:

    Fantastic pics!

  15. Eric Henry says:

    Loved the pics. Good stuff!

  16. Craig Wright says:

    Well I reckon staying on board when Air B & B guests arrive is now a ‘must’ :)) Corfu looks beautiful – enjoy!!

    • admin says:

      The NW of Corfu is lovely. The whole point of getting away from the yacht was to have a rest – no maintenance- nothing that had to be done, or could be fixed, or should be upgraded. Not sure we will do it again -still undecided.

  17. Pauline says:

    Stunning pictures hopefully those scenes keep until next year

  18. Sarah mc says:

    Awesome adventure ! You guys are so lucky !!! Keep living the dream !

  19. Elmire says:

    Enjoyed the read a d photos from the waterlogged Waitakeres

  20. Ann Browett says:

    Barb and Hew. This is just an amazing journey. I am very ,much enjoying your blog, if tinged in green! Hope the adventures continue well.

    • admin says:

      Yes just coming to the end and I am catching up on the blogs I started and didn’t finish as we got too busy with friends and travelling etc.

  21. Susan Miller (nee Purdy) says:

    The Sicilians will be celebrating their football win tonight! Cue the fireworks and parties and raucous revelry!! We look forward to following your adventures, Barb and Hew! What a beautiful spot and how amazingly blessed you are! Be safe and have so much fun!!

    • admin says:

      Spectacular party – flags, cars honking, bikes, loud music etc etc went on well past midnight – we went to bed.

  22. Erin Sullivan says:

    Hi Barb and Hew,
    good to get your news, we did love Malta and again it was damned hot when we were there, did a great tour of the island( by land).
    all good here at Omaha, someone near warkworth might have the dreaded virous. found in waste water, but I guess you are keeping up with the news. House clean, Garden immaculate- will have to change some things around- just for something to do !!

    • admin says:

      Great to hear from you. Plan to do a land excursion this weekend. Will be interesting to look at something other than the coast. Do you miss all the cruising or are you happily settled in? Apart from lockdown of course.

  23. Clare Dockery says:

    Just catching up on your blogs – sounds idyllic (except for all the hard work)! Another 2 weeks at least of lockdown in Auckland but the rest of NZ heading for Level 3. Most people are adhering to rules which is good but had enough listening to Covid updates! Otherwise all ok here – have some very tidy cupboards too! Keep sending blogs and great photos – makes us feel as though we are on tour. Cx

    • admin says:

      Thanks Clare. Interesting that apart from the mask wearing. Rules covid not really mentioned here and you don’t often run into restrictions. Did the other night though when there was a big religious festival and they had a max number and had to sell tickets and block off the streets. Next blog!!

  24. Marcus says:

    Gosh you two are amazing, I take my hat off to you. Beautiful pics, love your story Barb, what an adventure. Sounds like a few hiccups, but hey, I reckon it still beats lockdown in soggy Akl…. Take care, cheers, Marcus

    • admin says:

      Thanks Marcus. I hope all is well with you. Life is about adventures, and then it is always up and down 😁

    • admin says:

      Definitely beats lockdown in Auckland but wish we hadn’t spent so much time in boat yards. I hope all is going well with you.
      Cheers Barb

  25. Noel Davies says:

    Hi Barb, enjoying the blog.
    Heather and I are locked down at Langs Beach. It’s great being up here instead of being in Auckland. We will head back once Auckland moves to level 3 as Heather is missing her Granddaughter, Isla.
    I am working on the local reserve planting natives and getting rid of some nasty plants such as Morning Glory, Asparagus and Ginger.
    Going to go fishing this arvo using my drone. Not allowed to put my boat in the water.
    Apart from a few maintenance issues, it looks like you’re having fun.
    Regards to Hugh.
    Take care

    • admin says:

      Hi Noel and Heather, Lovely to hear from you, we often wonder what you are up to. I did not know you had a grand-daughter but congratulations. I agree that it must be great when you are not locked down in Auckland and have plenty to do at the beach house.
      Hew says hello and that he is fed up with things failing- but when you have been away for a while that is what happens.
      Weather getting coooler and more unsettled here. Currently hunkered down in a bay off northern Corfu in pouring rain and squally weather.
      All the best.

  26. Ros says:

    Great report and pics – it’s currently raining in Pahi – so it’s refreshing to see blue skies over different vistas!

  27. Sue says:

    Never a dull moment eh? Sounds like you have plenty to do while the weather is being unkind!

  28. Ruthie says:

    Can’t tell you how enjoyable these posts are, Barb.
    Great photos, interesting tit bits…just love the,
    Keep them coming!
    Love Ruthie

    • admin says:

      Thank you. Love the feedback. Another to come shortly. Stuck at Hraciosa in a storm and still have internet so good time to finish.

  29. Robert says:

    Looks like you are ready to go…..have a safe voyage, happy birthday to Pete.

  30. Irene & Brian says:

    So look forward to following your travels Barb! Have read many autobiographies of round the world sailors, so this is like the real thing, with people we know! Your preparation and crew sound perfect. Best of luck and hope to catch up in NZ sometime in the future 👍🤗

    • admin says:

      Thanks, and it is a good fun crew. Love to catch up some time. Hope you two are still having fun.

    • admin says:

      Definitely – good crew

  31. Fee says:

    Loving your blogs barb ❤ looks like a great crew I assume you are preparing
    for the atlantic crossing adventure? Missing you see you soo love and safe travels to all x

    • admin says:

      Hi Fi,
      Thanks and missing all you guys as well but you will have to come and catch up with us in the Caribbean or some such. I am glad you lie the blogs and yes a good crew. I hope all is going well. Say hi to John Baker for me as well. Cheers

  32. Liv says:

    Glad to see Dad arrived safe 🙂 Loving the pictures and hearing what you’ve been getting up to x

    • admin says:

      Thanks. Nev is having a great time – a whole pontoon full of people to talk to about sorting out their fishing gear!!!! Hope all is going well with you?

  33. Sue says:

    Great update! Lovey pics of your adventure

  34. Roz says:

    Very much enjoying the blog – thanks for the news!

  35. Ros says:

    Looks great – the inland tour with stunning views – thanks from Pahi

  36. Chris says:

    Thanks Barb, excellent blog

  37. Taeko & Ryoichi says:

    Fantastic pictures!!
    Great chances to see these nice places for us.
    We will follow you wherever you go!
    Please look after yourselves.

  38. MEINFOTO says:

    Great content! Keep up the good work!

  39. Ros says:

    Great blog, enjoying the story and photos – looking forward to next instalment

  40. Sandy says:

    Love the photos..all that is missing is Pauline!!
    Go well friend xx

  41. Donna McV says:

    Great to read your blog! Enjoy a bit of R & R!

  42. Jane says:

    Really enjoy your “tales of the deep sea adventures’ and the photos are gems. Keep it up Coz and run safe

  43. Cam says:

    Makes sailing on the golf pond very tame!

  44. Noelle Rathmell says:

    What an exiting ocean adventure. Enjoying the read a lot.

  45. John Tonkin says:

    Great update Barb. Shame about all the plastic in the ocean. Good to see you eventually had fresh fish for dinner.

    • admin says:

      Yes it is a shame about the plastic and the news only gets worse. And yes great to get fresh fish.

  46. Ros says:

    The blog makes me want to visit this fascinating island! Love the photos and links (nutmeg story particularly interesting)
    Thanks again for the journey – cheers

    • admin says:

      Thank you – it is a fascinating island. Makes you want to plant all these trees at home!!

  47. Graeme Farr says:

    Great photos!

  48. Rosemary says:

    What a beautiful island – I have to be honest and say that I have never heard of it. Fabulous photos – what an incredible adventure you are having. Love reading your blogs.

  49. Deb says:

    Where do I sign up?, what a great place and I am now waiting on the next instalment of pictures. Safe travels and don’t forget the San Blas Islands and Portobello when you head north, good memories. 😀

  50. Ros says:

    Loved reading about the island and your experiences – I look forward to the next blog

    • admin says:

      Thanks – looks like you three are having fun travels as well.😘

  51. Ruthie says:

    Fabulously interesting, as always the art work. Never knew it was Dutch!

    • admin says:

      Yes and I have some more for another blog😅

    • John T says:

      Stunning photos Barb and great commentary. You should turn all your stories into a book and pepper it with your photos.

      • admin says:

        A possibility later just have enough trouble doing the blogs🤣

  52. Graeme says:

    Amazing photos Barb! My favourite place I have never heard of!

  53. John T says:

    Stunning photos Barb and great commentary. You should turn all your stories into a book and pepper it with your photos.

  54. stella says:

    Looks amazing. I didn’t know anything about the history but inspired to investigate further.
    Barb, you write really well!

  55. Susan Hodgins says:

    Great commentary and pics are fabulous Barb as usual. Hope you had a safe and easy onward journey to Curaçao. Can’t wait to see the next episode x

  56. Cam says:

    Amazing place…love the street art!

  57. Sue says:

    Wow, that street art looks amazing! Have caught up with James a bit lately, going to miss him when he heads back up to Omaha

  58. marcus says:

    You guys never cease to amaze – just sailing around, continent to continent, island to island, all in a days enjoyment……. I sit here, shake my head and smile picturing you guys doing what you’re doing and really I’m just in awe. Unbelievable, you’re inspiring, you’re bloody legends – enigmas’……… Wishing you safe travels. Cheers

  59. Robyn Weston says:

    Awesome photos and blog.

  60. Chris L says:

    Thanks Barb, great pics and narrative.

  61. John Tonkin says:

    Fantastic photos and commentary yet again Barb, you might of missed your calling 😉.

  62. Rosemary says:

    Another wonderful blog and fabulous photos Barb. You are going to have to put this all into a book one day.

  63. apropos says:

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    Just wanted to say I love reading through your bⅼog and look forᴡaгd tо all your posts!
    Kеep up the superb work!

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  70. Ros says:

    Great to be following the journey again (from quiet Pahi)

  71. Robyn Weston says:

    Right Well hopefully all go. Loved reading about the Flora and Fauna. Toucans ate so worth seeing We glimpsed one in Brazil. James, great animal and bird photos ! Summer slow arriving here. Doing the rounds of bowls boats and bbqs and chilling out locally for now ( for a change)

  72. gilligan says:

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    I’m hoping to see the sɑme high-grаde blog posts by yoս later on ɑs well.
    In fact, your creative ᴡriting abilities has inspired me to get my very own website now 😉

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    • admin says:

      Yes I created it myself and chose the themes from tyose available on wordpress. Once yoiu start writing it becomes easy. I am sorry that I have not been on line lately. Good luck.

  74. ramrod says:

    Vеry good post. I am facing some of tһese iѕsues as well..

  75. macassar says:

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  79. peasantry says:

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    good, keep up writing.

  84. Ros Sullivan says:

    Fantastic- love reading the blog – great photos – happy journeying (and journaling!) Thanks

  85. Robyn Weston says:

    Sounds like you are on the move again. Its been quite a long time in St Maartens. How are all the lovely market stallholders. They were so friendly. Your photos are so colourful too reflecting all that carribean joie de vie. Travel safe x

    • admin says:

      Yes back in Trinidad and hopefully back in the water in ten days

  86. plantain says:

    Thіs design is spectаcular! You most certainly knoᴡ how to keeρ а reaⅾer entertaіned.
    Bеtween your wit and your videos, Ӏ waѕ almost moved
    to start my own blog (well, almost…HaНa!) Fantastic job.
    I really loved what you had to say, and more than that, how you
    presented it. Too cool!

  87. aldehyde says:

    I аm really іmpressed with ʏour writing skillѕ аnd also wіth the layout on your blog.
    Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself?
    Anyway keeρ uρ the nice quaⅼіty writing, it is
    rare to see a nice blog like this one these days.

  88. Ruthie says:

    Fascinating read, Barb, as always

  89. Ros Sullivan says:

    Haha – don’t come back to NZ – keep travelling and writing!! Love it

  90. Ima Morales says:

    Its such as you learn my mind! You appear to grasp so much about this, like you wrote the e book in it or something.

    I believe that you just can do with a few percent to drive the message house a
    little bit, but other than that, that is wonderful blog.
    An excellent read. I’ll definitely be back.

  91. Thank you for every other wonderful post.
    Where else may just anyone get that type oof information in such an ideal method
    of writing? I’ve a presentation nexst week, and I am at the look for such information.

  92. Ros Sullivan says:

    Fascinating travelogue!! Thanks, Ros

  93. Ruth Schoushkoff says:

    Fascinating stuff and wonderful photos! Thku xx

  94. John Tonkin says:

    Well done Barb

  95. David Hicks says:

    You had a great stopover in the footsteps of Darwin lots of different Birds and Animals.

  96. John Tonkin says:

    Great commentary Barb and wonderful photos

  97. Robyn Weston says:

    Not at all like I imagined so far. Great blog and photos

  98. John Tonkin says:

    Wonderful pictures and blog

  99. Ros Sullivan says:

    Thanks!!! Great story of your adventuring – particularly of places that I’m unlikely to visit myself. Love the photos.

  100. Jocelyn says:

    Barb and Hew. James Debbie Pauline
    What great photos and what fun for all of you
    Can’t wait to hear when you get to NZ
    I am packing moving etc etc. Leave Ayr St end Oct!!!!! It is hell packing up selling things etc etc

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